Uristmaps 0.3.3 Release

Version 0.3.3 is a bugfix release. Get it here.


  • Fixed HTML pages using absolute paths, breaking uristmaps when placed in a subfolder.
  • Explicitly set compilation target to Java 1.8.
  • Fixed OutOfMemory exception.
  • Removed IDE files from source.

Uristmaps 0.3.2 Release

Version 0.3.2 is a bugfix release. Get it here.

It fixes the following:

  • Fixes start script on Mac Os
  • Site tooltip coorectly indicates if coordinates are approximations (coordinates are approximations when the site has not been mvoed to the structure group that it probably belongs to and instead uses the world-grid coordinates)
  • Added some missing Singular -> Plural conversions for population info
  • Removed -Xmx flag from windows start script as it introduced problems on some machines
  • Fixed footer import for index.html page

Uristmaps 0.3.1 Release

Took me some months of inactivity until I picked Uristmaps up again to work on it but I can now finally release a fresh version. This release comes after Uristmaps has been completely rewritten to bring improved performance and support for more platforms. There are also some new Features: new graphics, roads and tunnels, and population heatmaps.

For installation and usage instructions see the Getting Started section.


  • New graphics for all zoom levels.
  • Tunnels and roads appear on the map.
  • Reworked sidebar to list world info, sites, populations and a legend.
  • Heatmap overlays to show distribution of a selected population.
  • Complete rewrite in Java.
  • Improved performance to cut render time in half.
  • Configurable port number for integrated web server.

Uristmaps 0.2 Release

After some weeks of work the next version of the Dwarf Fortress world renderer Uristmaps is ready for public usage. This release brings two big new features: detailed site maps and population info to bring more detail to the world. Check the Demo for an example of what the current state of the map renderer looks like. Also there have been some fixes and the map generation has been streamlined a bit.

For installation and usage instructions see the Getting Started section.

There has been a hotfix - the current version is now 0.2.1!


  • New tooltips for sites including population details.
  • Display of detailed site maps. They can be activated with a button in the site's tooltip (when a detailed map is available).
  • Spoilery sites are now hidden by default. Can be changed in config.
  • Fixed rivers missing segments.
  • Slightly less clustering of markers.

Uristmaps 0.1 Release

Uristmaps has finally a release mechanism for Windows and can now (hopefully) without troubles be used on that platform without installing python and all dependencies. Head to the downloads section to get the 0.1 release. Linux and Mac users can just check out the v0.1 tag from the repository. See the main page's getting started section for documentation on how to use it.

I could get it to run on my test machine but please report any bugs and issues you find with uristmaps - especially on windows. You can report bugs on the issue tracker or the reddit thread for the release.

Also, I have updated the contrib page with some information about the graphics just in case someone is interested in changing them.

Features of this version

  • Render maps of any world size in a sattelite-like view
  • Sites are processed and placed on the map
  • Structures are placed on the map, structures are used to move the rough site coordinates to better positions
  • Index of all sites on the map

Known issues

  • For bigger maps the smaller zoom levels 1, 2 and maybe even 3 are skipped and not rendered. You will not see anything when zooming out then. (see Issue 2)


This is the page being constructed. These news articles should probably be used to announce new versions and to present the changelogs.